NaviSite NaviCloud Expo 2012

John Howie, CSA CloudCERT will be speaking on the "The Silver Lining in Security & Compliance" panel at NaviSite NaviCloud Expo 2012 at 10:30 -11:30am on April 5th. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. The Silver Lining in Security & Compliance Enterprises are now discovering that they can leverage cloud services to protect their business and reduce rick more effectively than with many traditional security and hosting alternatives. This session will provide attendees a look at 7 Steps enterprises can follow to ensure a complete security and risk management plan, including how to address the increasing challenges of protecting corporate data and resources in a mobile world. Panelists: Chris Noell, VP of Product Management, AlertLogic; Kent Welch, Director of Product Management, Courion; John Howie, Director CloudCERT, a CSA initiative; Allen Allison, Chief Security Officer, NaviSite Additionally, the CSA Southern California Chapter will be holding it's first meeting on Wednesday, April 4th at 5:30. The 2 day event is free
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